Billion Dollar Showdown (BDS) is a new reality show hosted by Brad Woodgate, a self-made serial entrepreneur, who turned a thirty-thousand-dollar investment into over a billion dollars in sales as Founder and CEO of the No Sugar Company.
Shot on location and at BrandStar Studios, the goal of this series is to find the next great entrepreneur by featuring head-to-head battles between aspiring entrepreneurs competing in real-life business challenges.
The show also gives participating brands the opportunity to be integrated within the challenges through product placement, brand sponsorship or paid ads. Each episode features two industry experts that advise contestants on their business ideas to help them overcome the next obstacle.
The last mogul standing wins a once-in-a-lifetime grand prize of bringing the next billion-dollar business idea to the market, with a 25% equity position in the new venture. So, if you think you have what it takes to be the next unicorn, show up at the showdown and go big or go home!
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